"el público" in inglés — español-inglés dictionary | Mirar "el público" in español

el público

the image to "crowd" in Polish the image to "audience" in Polish
  1. crowd ****
    • la multitud; el público
      The crowd of people got on the bus.
      She got lost in the crowd.
  2. audience **** , aud. (abbreviation)
    • el público  BrE [COUNTABLE]
      Actors can't exist without an audience.
      The audience was delighted with the performance.
  1. issue *****
    • emitir; publicar
    • publicar; expedir
  2. release ****
    • lanzar; estrenar; publicar

Frases relacionadas — "el público"

revelar = develop , also: develope old use +1 significado
presentar = present +3 significados
la calle = street , st. (abbreviation)
la asistencia = assistance +1 significado
Consulta también: el personal