She went shopping the following morning, getting a Knightsbridge departure store to fit her out with tropical kit.
Charity went shopping the very next afternoon and found just what she wanted at the Galeries Modernes, although the price was an extravagant one.
When she goes shopping the next day, Scully decides to follow her.
She went shopping to replace the furniture and household items that had been lost along the jumbled route to homelessness.
They just went shopping a few days ago; I see them come in with the food.
Whatever was bothering her the other night, she went shopping to make herself feel better and got another one of those suits.
However, it does cut the grocery bills; she said she goes shopping only every three weeks.
On the very same day that I ordered an iPad 2, I went shopping to buy myself a letter opener.
Marilyn Wilson said, "We went shopping one day and we brought home some wind chimes.
In the morning we went shopping to Waitrose, or planned to, but the car battery was flat.