"over" in español — inglés-español dictionary | Mirar "over" in inglés

over , ***** , also: o'er literary

the image to "over" in Polish the image to "over" in Polish the image to "over" in Polish
  1. encima de
    He is jumping over the fence.
    The lamp is hanging over the table.
    The view was beautiful when our plane was flying over the mountains.
  2. al otro lado
    The hotel is over the lake.
    I will go to the shop over the street.
  3. sobre
    He spilled the coffee all over his shirt.
    I spilled tea over my computer.

over , *****

  1. sobre (más alto que algo, sin tocarlo)
  2. al otro lado
  3. sobre (toca y cubre otra cosa)
phrasal verb
  1. acabarse
phrasal verb
  1. curarse (de algo)
    Fortunately, he's got over the shock.
    It took me a year to get over the accident.
    She still hasn't got over the flu.
  2. superar
  3. superar algo
  1. recuperarse de algo
  1. superar lo de alguien

Frases relacionadas — "over"

over there = allí; allá
phrasal verb
come over = pasarse; venirse +1 significado
roll over = voltearse
pull over = parar en el arcén
sleep over = quedarse a dormir
watch over somebody = cuidar a alguien; vigilar a alguien
jump over something = saltar por encima de algo