Market participants made grave errors in risk measurement and management.
She had made - and with far less justification than her father - the same grave error as he.
But there, at the very start, I made a grave error.
Such a grave error is truly damaging, and cannot be allowed to happen again.
He'd almost asked if anything had gone wrong, which would have been a grave error.
For you to go back to her now is to make a grave error.
"Perhaps my husband has not made such a grave error after all."
Israel said the attack on the base was a grave error.
But I made a grave error, just a bad mistake on my part.
"If the league is holding back on the tax proposal in order to present it later, it's a grave error."
Others, it appears, thought they were working with the good guys, but in the end made a deadly mistake.
In fact, opening them would have been a deadly mistake.
She knew that using magic against one was a deadly mistake.
Surely this little kid would realize his deadly mistake and run away.
That was going to turn out to be a deadly mistake.
What had possessed him to make such a deadly mistake?
I know you only mean me a kindness, dear 1365, but it is a most deadly mistake.
Forgetful-ness and looking past a thing are both deadly mistakes.
The most deadly mistakes in combat often came from operating too quickly and without enough information.
Saddam made a lot of deadly mistakes while in power.