An explosion after the crash blew a hole in the Amtrak locomotive and virtually incinerated the first of the commuter cars.
The impact spun the Amtrak locomotive almost 180 degrees and left it leaning down an embankment.
I wondered if this referred to cars, tractors, or Amtrak locomotives.
Smoke and flames were filling the front car of the commuter train, drenched with diesel fuel from the Amtrak locomotives it had just hit.
The Amtrak locomotive was attempting to couple to the train and was reportedly moving too fast.
When the two collided the Amtrak locomotive erupted in a giant fireball.
A speed recorder, a different device that records only speed, was recovered from the one of the two Amtrak locomotives, he said.
One tape in the front Amtrak locomotive was destroyed, and the other failed to record the train's activity during the last five miles of the trip, she said.
An explosive roar, apparently from an electrical explosion, followed the collision as the two Amtrak locomotives and several other cars jumped the tracks.
The state has agreed to lease eight Amtrak locomotives that are the missing link in a plan to improve commuter rail service.