Sure, if the Android developers actually decide to take advantage of GPUs.
Since Android developers tend to favor content over style, though, some of these offerings provide considerable benefits for Gingerbread- or Honeycomb-toting busy bees.
It is unclear however whether it is making the same promise to Android developers.
In which case, why should Android developers bother targeting it?
Guess you support them also in suing the Android developers too?
Lodsys began its war against independent and third-party iOS developers in the first part of 2011, soon expanding its targets to Android developers and beyond.
It's unfortunate that the Android developers didn't take the opportunity to explore that kind of functionality when they created the new version of the lock screen.
At least one Android developer has reported receiving a similar letter from Lodsys after adding support for in-app purchasing several weeks ago.
Google can't do the same for Android developers, because it's an "open" platform.
Aug 17, 2010: A group of Android developers have launched an Restriod which is an Android Application.