Arizona residents at least 21 years old can carry a concealed weapon without a permit as of July 29, 2010.
There have been numerous Arizona residents that have had varying success on the American Idol.
Campbell positioned himself as a "free and Independent" candidate capable of serving the interests of Arizona residents.
Smith's death sparked a furor among Arizona residents.
With its high elevation and cool summer breezes it is a popular weekend destination from the hot desert for Phoenix, Arizona residents.
I am often able to help Arizona residents when they have a problem with a federal agency.
Resources for Arizona residents who are seeking employment.
Movies could not start until 10:00 p.m. (2200) at the height of summer, well past normal hours for most Arizona residents.
There are also about eighty established business that cater to both locals and Arizona residents.
Arizona residents can order a flag by contacting any of my offices and requesting an order form.