The band are known for their witty lyrics, melodic pop-rock and often satirical or evocative exploration of Australian themes.
This could have a South American, Asian, African or Australian theme.
She has also written Message from Forever (1998), another novel based on Australian Aboriginal themes.
Another major expansion occurred in 2006 adding a new Australian theme and changing the name to Boomerang Bay.
Borovansky's next ballet, The Black Swan, also had an Australian theme.
These works, like many of their day, were inspired by Australian themes.
In his use of hot, earth colours and crisp detail, he is quintissentially an Australian artist pursuing typically Australian themes.
"Explosive" was also picked to be the Australian theme for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
Dampier soon formed his own company and often produced plays with an Australian theme.
It has an Australian theme and opened in 1989.