Mr. Maresca, a Brooklyn native who is now 48, began acquiring treasures as a child.
After years of battling alcoholism, arthritis, emphysema and four mild heart attacks, the Brooklyn native is thankful for simple things.
Neighbors said the shooting was caused by a territorial dispute between Jamaican immigrants and Brooklyn natives.
Jackson, a Brooklyn native who grew up in Queens, said last night's experience was beyond his imagination.
Franco, the Brooklyn native who wears his roots like a badge of honor, needs just three saves for 300 in his career.
Both are Brooklyn natives in their 30's.
Franco, a Brooklyn native who went to St. John's, has his own expectations.
The accent is often exaggerated, but nevertheless still exists to some degree among Brooklyn natives.
It marked a steep decline for a Brooklyn native who had cobbled together a financial empire through a long series of takeovers.
Ford, a 28-year-old Brooklyn native who is the director of admissions at the school, said: "Yeah, he has a good young manager now.