In 1974, a group of interested Brunswick residents invited other townspeople to a meeting to discuss the possibility of organizing a society aimed at studying and collecting items related to local history since there appeared to be a great interest around town in forming such a group.
In response to the controversy, Assemblywoman Joanna Gregory-Scocchi, a North Brunswick resident, has introduced a bill that would prohibit state Green Acres funds from being used to acquire farmland against a landowner's will.
While the club drew interest to surrounding Brunswick residents, players from Portland began joining the team.
Perhaps, suggested David J. Harris, a university trustee and New Brunswick resident, students can use the political system to take matters into their own hands.
Another version of the origin of the name relates to Robert Fleming, a Brunswick (Victoria) resident who had owned land beside the Saltwater River and operated a butchery there.
Michael O'Neal, a North Brunswick resident, aviation artist and private pilot, said of Mr. Ferris's work: "His paintings capture the impression of flight as a pilot would get: the airiness around you, the impression of movement.
The Wood Gym is the original gymnasium of Glynn Academy, named after a Brunswick resident who donated money to the school for physical education.
A Brunswick resident, Gerzofsky represents the 10th Senate District.
Under the legislation, the commission will be chaired by one anglophone and one francophone and consist of 3 to 5 other commissioners, all of whom must be New Brunswick residents.