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There isn't enough information to know how Canada balsam might work.
Canada balsam might be safe for most people when applied to the skin.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of Canada balsam for these uses.
At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for Canada balsam.
Canada balsam was also commonly used for making permanent microscope slides.
Canada Balsam is placed between the two layers.
Canada balsam was traditionally used for this purpose.
In foods, Canada balsam is used to flavor foods and beverages.
When measured against Canada Balsam it will display moderate positive relief.
Canada balsam is applied directly to the skin to treat hemorrhoids and kill germs.
There aren't any known harmful side effects of Canada balsam, but it hasn't been well researched by scientists.
Canada balsam is a plant.
The best medium for attaching standard glass coverslips is Canada Balsam.
Canada balsam is amorphous when dried.
Canada balsam is soluble in xylene.
The appropriate dose of Canada balsam for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions.
A microscopic glass slip is also warmed on this plate with a drop of viscous natural Canada balsam on its surface.
Canada balsam and Peru balsam are often used to increase flow and improve mixing properties.
In dentistry, Canada balsam is used in root canal sealers and pastes for cleaning teeth.
Lenses glued with Canada balsam (or with other similar glues) are called cemented lenses.
Also, other optical elements can be cemented with Canada balsam, such as two prisms bonded to form a beam splitter.
Another important application of Canada Balsam is in the construction of the Nicol prism.
Traditionally Canada balsam was used as the cement in assembling these prisms, but this has largely been replaced by synthetic polymers.
As the residual caustic would attack Lakeside or Canada Balsam, epoxy cement is required for cover slips.
You can use 10% solution of Canada balsam in toluene Archaeological material can be cleaned only mechanically.