According to the most recent figures Chester has the third highest median property values in the state, and Chester residents have the highest median income.
In 1884 Cyrus F. Marston, a Chester resident, connected a (homemade) telephone to the telegraph circuit to receive the results of the election that elected Grover Cleveland president of the United States.
Building Trust Mr. Showalter, a Chester resident, added that while he had appeared in many movies and Broadway plays, the young playwrights were most impressed by his role as Grandpa Fred in "Sixteen Candles."
In 2011 and 2012, Chester residents have gained notoriety for their fight against a proposed Dollar General store.
Ms. Rogers, a 54-year-old Chester resident, has now run races in 146 of the towns.
Chester residents do not consider the area as a part of the Lache (an adjacent suburb consisting largely of council housing) although the main route through Westminster Park is Lache Lane.
It says Chester residents make more complaints to the state about air pollution, compared with residents of other Delaware County communities.
Chester residents have been fighting with the State of Pennsylvania ever since Delaware County landfills began approaching capacity in the 1980's.
Ms. Pendergast, a Chester resident, will be leading some groups to watch the birds.
But Chester residents went to court this spring, after the state issued a permit for yet another waste facility, to be placed in a part of the city that already had several.