"He was tall, thin, a Christlike figure."
Shelves on the longest' wall held Stingley's collection of Chinese, Greek, and Far Eastern statues, all of them depicting a Christlike figure.
Some people want to portray Harry as a Christlike figure and bring up several things he does that they say are noble, courageous and loyal to his friends.
He has tried to de-emphasize the specifically Christian imagery of the opera and make Parsifal a less Christlike figure.
A Christlike figure, he comes complete with a Judas to betray him (Anthony Laciura as the Novice).
Many readers sense that Aslan is a "divine" or "Christlike" figure.
The episode is one of many to feature Mulder as a Christlike figure.
Long before another man suddenly plants what looks like a Judas kiss on Mr. Hahn's lips, his character suggests a Christlike figure.
There is a Christlike figure fed spaghetti on the cross (from a Calvino folk tale, she says).
Finally, he sees himself as ultimately a Christlike figure, hounded and persecuted and reviled, as he sees it, because of his inherent goodness and correctness.