The US, a key market for Colombian cocaine, has bankrolled the fight against the trade to the tune of billions of dollars.
By the mid-1980s, the organizations from Mexico were well-established and reliable transporters of Colombian cocaine.
On board were 2.5 tons of Colombian cocaine.
Their merchandise, the authorities said, was Colombian cocaine.
The Mafia, they said, acquired large amounts of Colombian cocaine for distribution throughout Europe.
Colombian cocaine, which has a bigger market in the United States, is more often shipped by the thousands of pounds in air and sea containers.
The plan also won praise in the United States, the main market for Colombian cocaine.
The authorities said it would mean the end of the cartel, which transported Colombian cocaine as well as heroin and other drugs.
They said that within three years, Colombian cocaine and heroin could disappear from the streets of the United States.
The Government says he and 10 others ran a drug empire that smuggled in nearly a ton of Colombian cocaine each month for nearly two years.