Congressional estimates put the added cost of such proposals at $400 million to $600 million annually.
Congressional estimates say that extending them permanently will cost $281 billion in 2014.
Most Congressional estimates last year pegged that subsidy at over $40 billion.
Congressional estimates currently put the war's cost at $1 billion a day.
Making them permanent would add an additional $1.8 trillion of red ink over 10 years, according to a Congressional estimate widely believed to be low.
The cost in lost sales to the company would be more than $3 billion a year, based on Congressional estimates.
But some Congressional estimates put the figure at $100 billion.
Congressional estimates are that the law will eliminate about 85 percent of polygraph testing.
Though disappointed, advocates for the rail link said they were not surprised by the Congressional estimates.
But by at least one Congressional estimate, the company pays just $16 to make and market it.