The Corps of Engineers maintains the structures and, in times of flood, monitors their piers for scouring and stability.
The Corps of Engineers built and maintains eight park areas around the lake for camping, swimming, boating and picnicking.
At Ocean City, the Corps maintains that the sacrifice of sand protected valuable land and buildings just beyond the beach.
The Corps maintained a neutral attitude during this period of frequent regime changes in Guangzhou.
The Corps of Engineers maintains seven recreation areas around the lake.
The Corps maintained its own fleet of river steamers, derricks, dredges and cranes, all steam powered, for many years.
The Corps of Engineers operates and maintains Cochiti Dam.
Throughout all of this, the Corps maintained discipline and high esprit.
Doesn't the Corps maintain a wilderness resort?
Within 12 years, the Corps had constructed, and was maintaining and operating, some 4,000 miles of telegraph lines along the country's western frontier.