Some Democrats are casting covetous eyes on voters whose values, in many cases, are frankly repellent.
They provided all the 9 votes against the committee proposal, as Democrats cast the 11 favorable votes.
Democrats cast the debate as one of protecting minority rights.
The Democrat again cast himself as the outsider in Tuesday's presentation of his mostly flat $132.5 billion budget.
In 1996, only 12,800 Democrats cast primary ballots, and party officials turned to the Internet with the hope of increasing that to 75,000.
The vote was 394 to 28, with Democrats casting all the votes against it.
For their part, the Democrats were casting the fight in class terms.
Democrats, predictably, cast the results as validation of their agenda.
Democrats, though, cast the bill as inadequate in dealing with drug costs.
Republicans were plainly delighted that Democrats were casting themselves once more in the role of the party that wants new taxes.