Democrats on the committee defended the tax increase as part of a package that had reduced the Federal budget deficit.
Democrats, who made heavy use of the committees, generally defended the groups while Republicans argued to have them constrained.
Republicans have tended to assume that Democrats are defending him simply out of political expediency.
And Democrats were defending the seats of many freshmen, who among all incumbents are usually the most endangered.
He was unable to increase the party's support leading up to the 2004 election in which the Democrats were defending three Senate seats.
Many Democrats also defended their votes for the new spending approved this week.
The Liberal Democrats defended their record in running the council during the election.
Democrats defend themselves against accusations that they are rubber stamps for their party's leadership.
Of the 34 seats up next year, Democrats are defending 19 and Republicans 15.
Democrats will be defending their current supermajorities in both chambers.