Does anyone care whether Democrats or Republicans run Congress and the courts and occupy the White House?
Small-company stock funds enjoyed a big jump, perhaps because of investors' belief that such businesses perform more strongly when a Democrat occupies the White House.
Conventional wisdom holds that stocks suffer when Democrats occupy the White House.
Democrats dominate the State Legislature and the Congressional delegation and occupy the governor's office.
Generally, Democrats occupy the east side of the Chamber on the Speaker's right, while Republicans sit across the main aisle on the Speaker's left.
This paralleled the pattern in 1980, the last time Congressional elections were held while a Democrat occupied the White House.
Since a Democrat has occupied the White House, it has been a different story.
Two Democrats (including one from Puerto Rico's Popular Democratic Party), two Republicans, and one independent also occupy territorial governorships.
Someone suggested he might be 'shocked' that a Democrat from Republican eastern Utah was occupying his office.
Not since the New Deal in 1937, did so many Democrats occupy seats in Congress.