But the Democrats have recaptured control of the Senate.
If maintained, that margin could enable the Democrats to recapture the House.
His popularity dropped 20 points overnight, just as the Democrats were recapturing the Senate.
When the Democrats recaptured the Senate in 1986, it reflected a surprising loss of confidence.
But it is far from clear that the Democrats can recapture either of Colorado's Senate seats, which are now held by Republicans.
For the Democrats to recapture the benumbed American electorate again, they need to say more than "We were right last time."
In 1986, he said, the Democrats persuaded voters that economic trouble was brewing and recaptured the Senate.
The Democrats recaptured the Tucson city council from years of Republican control on February 1, 2006.
Despite his loss, the Democrats recaptured the two Assembly seats in the 15th District.
The leadership's hope is to re-elect President Clinton and help the Democrats recapture Congress.