Asked to raise their hands if they supported repealing the policy, all eight Democrats signaled that they did.
But Democrats signaled that they did not intend to let the governor avoid the issue between now and the November election.
The Democrats were signaling their intention to make Florida a battleground in November.
Still, Democrats signaled that contentious days lay ahead.
At the weekend the Liberal Democrats signalled that they are unhappy with the £500 a week benefit cap.
Democrats have signaled that they will seek another big increase in school aid and will try to protect health care from cuts.
By reviving these two legislative themes, Democrats are essentially signaling their belief that the political climate has been sufficiently changed by the savings and loan scandal.
Under this rationale, Democrats should signal that they are reasonable, defer to the traditional prerogatives of the president and hold their political capital for the next fight.
After the meeting, Democrats for the first time signaled a willingness to look at a one-year proposal.
The Senator's repositioning suggests that he is conducting a pre-emptive strike against what Democrats have already signaled will be their main line of attack against him.