Democrats are sounding their own alarms, accusing Republicans of trying to shred the social safety net and impoverish the elderly.
The Democrats, who ought to be leading the debate, sound more like many mouths mumbling.
Some Democrats sound less focused on what may amount to a tactic of revenge by inaction.
Not surprisingly, Democrats sounded particularly troubled about the administration's handling of the corporate issue, but even Republicans shared many of the concerns.
Those Democrats the President-elect talked with also sounded impressed.
As the redistricting fights were being carried out, some Democrats sounded warnings that the creation of majority black districts could mean trouble.
It is what Democrats sound like.
Examining the contract, the forlorn Democrats suddenly sounded as if they had found the Hope Diamond.
The presidential campaign may be heating up, but Republicans and Democrats are sounding remarkably alike on at least one important issue.
Other Democrats sounded the same caution on the Chinese connection.