He was the Democratic sponsor of floor amendments to freeze spending in 1984 and 1985.
Mr. Castle represented more than 40 Republicans, enough support for the Democratic sponsors to move the bill to the floor and pass it.
Democratic sponsors of the bill forged deals with moderate Republicans to win their votes but refused to make major concessions to President Bush.
The Democratic sponsors make a compelling case for targeting tax relief to poor families.
But she has had trouble finding Democratic sponsors for the bill, and even her Republican support is lukewarm.
All of those measures have Democratic sponsors, and have some Republican support.
The Democratic sponsors counted on being joined by 15 to 20 moderate Republicans.
She was the main Democratic sponsor of the failed 2006 constitutional Flag Desecration Amendment.
THE Democratic sponsors of the legislation were careful to frame the issue as one of child safety.
Today, Republicans repeatedly portrayed the efforts to change those rules as bipartisan, pointing to the fact that each amendment had a Democratic sponsor.