It was the most prosperous invention the Devil ever set on foot for the promotion of idolatry.
The Warrior received his answer seconds later when the Devils set the next phase of their trap into motion.
This afternoon, the Devils actually set a franchise playoff record for shots in a period with 20.
Upon hearing this, the Devil, in Nancy's body, sets the studio on fire, causing the audience to flee.
In the second game, the Devils edged past them and set a pattern for the series.
The Devils set a team record for fewest shots allowed.
The Devil gave a jerk and hauled me up the bank in a single motion and set me on my feet.
Or Devil, set inside a lift.
With a road record of 21-12-4, the Devils set a team record for away points in a season with 46.
By scoring six consecutive goals, the Devils set a team playoff record.