Duke originally planned three reactors on the property.
Although the Duke was planning a night attack, but had Reubell, so prescient, already cleared the village Ölper.
When the surgeons visited their patient, he said, "I want a day off, but Duke, you plan on fixing that kidney tomorrow."
Duke, for example, plans to eliminate 1,500 of 6,500 hospital jobs and cut its $500 million budget by $65 million a year.
The Duke was certainly planning a revolution, even if it was from the top down.
I didn't know what was happening, myself, but from the sound of things, they weren't going the way the Duke had planned.
I don't know when the Duke plans to march, but I doubt he'll wait until summer.
Paks felt a thrill; the Duke must be planning to get him out.
None of them knew how long it would last-where the Duke was planning to stop.
You say the Duke is planning to marry?