In 1992, the PS was rendered obsolete by EEC directives, when it was replaced by the kilowatt as the official power measuring unit.
As a result of the EEC directive requiring equal treatment for men and women in member countries' social security schemes, the British system has had to be further modified.
Under the EEC directive further changes will eventually have to be made in two new non-contributory benefits introduced in legislation passed in 1975.
The second is an EEC directive to standardise the Euro-sausage, which Hacker knows will be very unpopular with voters.
It replaced the earlier EEC directive on large combustion plants, 88/609/EEC, issued in November 1988.
Sometimes if an EEC directive says some energy reduction must occur by, say, 2012, you seem to just sit back and think you have plenty of time!
In line with EEC directives, the programme now includes experience of geriatric, paediatric, obstetric, psychiatric and trauma care.
In short, the recent EEC directive has prompted proposed changes which aim to simplify and expand the law.
When Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973, it was obliged to adapt local law to accommodate EEC directives that were in place.
It calls upon the Government to sign the EEC directive to ban tobacco advertising.