But it would require that Egyptian nationalism be suppressed.
During the British occupation of Egypt, a rise in Egyptian nationalism helped lead to independence in the early 1900's.
But this in turn helped to stimulate an Egyptian nationalism which threatened the security of European residents, their investments, and the canal.
Concerned with growing Egyptian nationalism, British officials chose to show their strength and make an example of the villagers involved.
Since the 1980s, Andil's work focused on promoting the revival of Egyptian nationalism.
The assassination also seemed to have an impact on the Arab side, particularly in stimulating Egyptian nationalism.
Individual Jews played an important role in Egyptian nationalism.
Egyptian nationalism rose to prominence in the 1920s and 1930s.
Nasser's self-consciousness found imaginative redirection into romantic awareness of Egyptian nationalism.
After the war, the Turkish empire was broken up, leading to a revival of Egyptian nationalism.