Local businesses target an audience of Spanish and English-speaking residents in the Vineland area.
This service was conducted on September 4, 1898 for the Americans and other English-speaking residents in Manila.
It was orientation time; he must contact his fellow English-speaking residents.
Until then, many English-speaking residents say, the islands were unpopulated.
This high quality of life and safety has caused the city to be nicknamed "Toytown" among the English-speaking residents.
It operates as a travel agency for English-speaking residents and visitors to Cairo.
Very few of the English-speaking residents had valid titles.
From now on, non-Belgian, English-speaking residents have a voice of their own.
And in cases where population shifts have seen English-speaking residents replaced by people with another first language, education costs can be affected.
They have also built relationships with Russian- and English-speaking residents, and play bingo every Wednesday.