Fisher believed that Gosset had effected a "logical revolution".
While Fisher believed a 50-50 deal could be considered, Hunter maintained that the owners should never "make the same or more than the players."
The third considers the evolution of dominance, which Fisher believed was strongly influenced by modifiers.
Fisher believed that had governments or private enterprise embarked on efforts to reflate financial markets, the crisis would have been less severe.
Fisher also believes that a story has fidelity when it can be seen as a guide for our own actions.
Fisher believed that eating well was just one of the "arts of life" and explored this in her writing.
"Oh, yes, we would," said Fisher, and everyone there believed her.
Fisher had always believed that God helps those who help themselves.
Fisher believed in attacking the day from the very beginning, bright-eyed and alert for whatever the morning might bring.
Fisher believes that Parliament has become too much of a rubber stamp for government policy.