In 2003, Geneva Declaration of Principles and the Geneva Plan of Action were released, which highlights the importance of measures in the fight against cybercrime.
In 2003, China signed Geneva Declaration of Principles of the World Summit on the Information Society.
The Small Arms Survey hosts the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development Secretariat.
By signing the Geneva Declaration states commit to:
A Core Group of 14 signatory states and affiliated organizations is responsible for steering the process and guiding the implementation of the Geneva Declaration.
While reaffirming the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, the participants agreed to the following commitments:
It adopted the Geneva Declaration on corporate responsibility.
It is my intention that the Geneva Declaration of 1987 should be implemented, and I am therefore keen to work on a friendly dialogue between Christians and Jews.
By signing the Geneva Declaration for Rural Women, 70 First Ladies called welcome attention to the world's hardest and least-recognized workers.
The Geneva Declaration may refer to: