During July and part of August 2007, Illinois lawmakers were in a deadlock over approving a state budget.
Lobbying by Illinois lawmakers would be barred under a bill proposed by the Legislature's inspector general, who monitors ethical conduct by state representatives and senators.
Illinois lawmakers said they were troubled by recent accusations of sexual abuse against Joseph Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago.
Illinois lawmakers, meanwhile, are proposing a bill that would create a legal defense fund to pay the legal fees of the 15 landowners.
Thomas Holbrook (born 1949) is an Illinois lawmaker.
They made it available to Illinois lawmakers and Chicago TV stations beforehand.
As the only black Senator, the Illinois lawmaker said she also wanted to preserve a legitimate business venture by a prominent black entrepreneur, Mr. Jones.
Illinois lawmakers decentralized Chicago education in 1988, giving parent-led school councils the power to appoint principals.
But now many Illinois lawmakers say they went too far, and that grandparents should not have legal entree to the lives of intact families.