The devaluation of the British, French and Italian currencies has made the resort about 20 percent more expensive for visitors from those countries.
The dollar also rose against the French, Swiss and Italian currencies.
The deficit and the country's general economic weakness played a major part in undermining confidence in the Italian currency during Europe's monetary crisis.
Options on Italian currency were bought many months ago when a dollar fetched 1,190 lire.
Late rates for the Dutch and Italian currencies were not available.
Moreover, recent devaluations of the Spanish, Italian and British currencies could affect earnings.
And he had recently deposited $22,000 in Italian currency at a bank near C.I.A. headquarters.
Soon after the annexed territories switched to Italian currency and stamps.
Word that the Prime Minister, too, is now a target of suspicion caused the Italian currency to fall on international financial markets.
The dollar lost ground to the Italian currency, slipping to 1,545 lire from 1,554.