If that chain gives way, you'll be on the floor with a broken head before you can say Jack Robinson.
Jack Robinson thought this was a good idea but would have to check with his immediate boss.
A popular expression of the time was, "before you could say Jack Robinson."
Great friend of mine, he is, and he'll be along to see your father before you can say 'Jack Robinson.'
They'll cut off our funding faster than you can say Jack Robinson.
The bologna was gone before you could say Jack Robinson.
We were outside in the night-cold air before you could say Jack Robinson.
If we introduce this fellow into the case, their lawyer is going to be on it before you can say "Jack Robinson".
Though we'll be home before you can say Jack Robinson.
Show any body part, and they'd put a bullet through it faster than you could say Jack Robinson.
If that chain gives way, you'll be on the floor with a broken head before you can say Jack Robinson.
Jack Robinson thought this was a good idea but would have to check with his immediate boss.
A popular expression of the time was, "before you could say Jack Robinson."
Great friend of mine, he is, and he'll be along to see your father before you can say 'Jack Robinson.'
They'll cut off our funding faster than you can say Jack Robinson.
The bologna was gone before you could say Jack Robinson.
We were outside in the night-cold air before you could say Jack Robinson.
If we introduce this fellow into the case, their lawyer is going to be on it before you can say "Jack Robinson".
Though we'll be home before you can say Jack Robinson.
Show any body part, and they'd put a bullet through it faster than you could say Jack Robinson.