In short, he makes no attempt to hide the flaws of either Jackson or the Jacksonian Democrats.
Politically, Cartwright was a Jacksonian Democrat who trusted in the ability of the common man.
He was elected to Congress in 1832 as a Jacksonian Democrat.
However, the Jacksonian Democrats strongly opposed the bank and began to dismantle its role in federal policy in the mid-1830s.
He was the prime architect of the first nationwide political party: the Jacksonian Democrats.
Butler was a Jacksonian Democrat in all senses, and a populist and reformer.
However the conservative Jacksonian Democrats usually maintained control, under the leadership of editor Isaac Hill.
Taney was a Jacksonian Democrat when he became Chief Justice.
Casey was a Jacksonian Democrat before becoming an Independent.
But, by the end of the nullification crisis, many southerners started to question whether the Jacksonian Democrats still represented Southern interests.