Caterpillar's June 25 announcement, no doubt, took analysts by surprise.
For evidence of this, one need only look at Kodak's June 3 announcement of its first still-video products.
Moreover, the June announcement called for Prime's computer manufacturing business to be sold to its management, not simply discontinued.
Interest in the park was piqued with the June 21, 1908, announcement of the impending grand opening of the swimming pool.
The tournament is likely to be reorganised in future years following a June 2007 announcement by the French Football Federation.
"But the June announcements are the most noxious threats against our liberty thus far!"
He said in the article that he learned about the four arrests and convictions only after the June 11 announcement.
The crisis coincides with the district's June announcement of gains in student test scores.
"The June 29 announcement has not solved the basic problems, and I see no changes in the immediate future."
The market's reaction was in sharp contrast with what happened after Pepsi's June announcement, when the stock slumped $3 a share.