The chances of the Legislature reducing the force size in an election year, he said, "are between zero and none."
"The people want the Legislature to cut their taxes and reduce the size of government."
The Legislature can only reduce or delete the governor's spending items, or add new ones subject to his veto.
Some business groups are urging the Legislature to reduce a tax on petroleum products, and some have suggested increasing the state's personal income tax.
Although the Legislature reduced the cuts, the commission had to fire three of its 10 staff members.
The Committee recommended that the Legislature reduce its administrative and staff organizations by establishing a single joint administrative office.
The Legislature reduced the body to a three member panel in 1947, with members serving staggered six-year terms.
The Legislature could only eliminate spending items or reduce spending - two of its least-favorite occupations.
The Legislature can approve, strike out or reduce appropriations.
In Albany, the governor submits appropriations that the Legislature can veto or reduce.