The water was up to his roof within nine minutes of the levee break.
Even the most urgent news, the levee break, took 20 hours to officially reach the people in harm's way, long after the water itself did.
As many as 4,000 county residents were forced from their homes this morning by levee breaks.
Farrakhan has raised additional questions and has called for federal investigations into the source of the levee break.
A flood pouring through a levee break in 1948 destroyed the city of Vanport, which was never rebuilt.
Her apartment, near one of the levee breaks, was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Due to levee breaks, most of northern and southeastern Jefferson County were flooded.
But suppose - just suppose - a levee breaks.
Starting as early as June 7, reports of levees being overtopped and levee breaks became common.
The village was completely submerged, save the roofs of some homes and buildings, by a levee break during the flood of 2008.