He was also a crowd favourite for Lions fans, being famous for his handstands.
The Lions fans were rough, uncompromising, quick to open their mouths to the team and officials.
In the early 1970s Millwall boasted a truly great side, now remembered by Lions fans as "The Class of '71".
The Lions fans were tough, uncompromising, quick to speak their mind and offer advice to the team and officials.
Another reason for encouragement among Lions fans is the improvement shown by quarterback Matthew Stafford over the last month.
Known to The Lions fans as Merlin, Hill had outstanding skill that earned him wide recognition.
Given the choice, I'm sure Lions fans would make that trade.
The Lions fans were booing quarterback Scott Mitchell.
This was achieved, in part, with considerable volunteer labour by Lions fans.
Frederick A - Issaquah, Washington - 9 days ago Lions fans should be happy they made it to the play offs.