Tom Burnett, president of Merger Insight, a New York-based institutional research service, offered some thoughts last week on the huge deal and its prospects.
"The group of five becomes a group of six," said Tom Burnett, president of Merger Insight, an institutional research firm.
"It's a very rich price," said Tom Burnett, the director of Merger Insight, a financial research company in New York.
"The activity we're seeing now is so dependent on the stock market going up," said Tom Burnett, founder of Merger Insight, an investor advisory business.
Thomas Burnett, director of Merger Insight, a research firm, says the high premium for drug companies reflects their prospects for steady growth.
"Everything becomes unglued," said Tom Burnett, the founder of Merger Insight, an institutional research service.
"Met Life is such a powerful force in the industry," said Tom Burnett, president of Merger Insight, a Manhattan financial research company.
"The market is evolving," said Tom Burnett, president of Merger Insight, a New York advisory firm.
So says Tom Burnett, director of Merger Insight, an institutional investor advisory firm in New York.
Studying the same data, Tom Burnett, the president of Merger Insight, a financial research firm in New York, reaches a far different conclusion.