There is a terrible irony in the position of the Miami residents who want to keep Elian here.
But Miami residents appeared to be listening to the warnings.
Mr. Stewart, 61, a longtime Miami resident, lives a civic-minded life.
Carol Bell, 36, a Miami resident and divorced mother of two, is unfazed by the soaring cost of handbags.
These migrants faced a great deal of hostility, especially from low-income Miami residents.
A Miami resident, he was 85.
Some Miami residents responded angrily to what they saw as a virtual coup of top city officials.
He gained a huge following with Miami residents because of his spontaneous and charismatic style of reporting.
Five of every eight Miami residents are Hispanic, many of them Cubans, according to the 1990 census.
Over the years, the attraction added thousands of animals to its collection and came to be a popular attraction for Miami residents and tourists alike.