He dresses up as the Midnight Marauder and steals sugar cane to try to put them out of business.
The group was now famous for their unique choices of sample material on their albums and Midnight Marauders was no exception.
Midnight Marauders.
Released in 1996, it followed three years after the highly regarded and successful Midnight Marauders.
One of their automatic overflight drones - Midnight Marauders - detected him.
Their following album, Midnight Marauders, released in 1993, also earned the platinum award.
Beats, Rhymes and Life, their subsequent album which was released three years after Midnight Marauders, was considered their darkest work.
Midnight Marauders b/w dub version (Best Seven, 2002)
Midnight Marauders, the best Tribe record, will always be spinnin' at my place.
Two of the t-shirt designs include a wing design and a design mimicking the album cover of Midnight Marauders.