If you are not a Nevada resident, I encourage you to send a message to the Senators from your state of residence.
Roughly 95 percent of those who kill themselves here are Nevada residents, not outsiders who come here just to die.
You could even "earn 49 salutes" from the rest of us in the bargain - that's supposed to be enough to make Nevada residents happy.
Resources for Nevada residents who are seeking employment.
It also allows Nevada residents to purchase long guns in non-contiguous states.
Fly Geyser is a little-known tourist attraction, even to Nevada residents.
Admission for adults is $18; $10 for Nevada residents.
To get in, ticket buyers - paying a sticker-shock $12 ($6 for Nevada residents) - line up behind velvet-roped gold stanchions.
For the 2010-2011 academic year, Nevada residents will pay $113.25 per credit for tuition, plus student fees.
Things Californian are not terribly popular with Nevada residents, but Mr. Schneider says he has a way around that.