State-level honors include receipt of the National Association of Social Workers' Texas Public Elected Official of the Year for 2009.
And Governing Magazine has named him Public Official of the Year.
In 2000, the Orange County Republican Party named him Local Elected Official of the Year.
Palazzo was awarded the 2009 Elected Official of the Year from the MS Wildlife Federation.
Elected Sheriff in 2005, she was awarded Elected Official of the Year by the Municipal League in 2010 and has become a national leader on procedural justice.
The two were selected by Governing Magazine among its eight "Public Officials of the Year," and praised for "setting in motion a tenure that has been marked by rare bipartisan cooperation and two of the most productive legislative sessions in Oregon's history."
Named 2003 Elected Official of the Year by the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce, she has also been honored by the American Cancer Society of New Jersey, Prevention First, 180:Turning Lives Around and many other public health organizations for her work to reduce teen smoking.
In 1994, he was named Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona-New Mexico Coalition of Counties.
In 2001, Governing magazine named Mayor Menino Public "Official of the Year" for effective neighborhood development in Boston.
Official of the Year - Mark Gooding (VIC)