Orthodox clergy is not allowed to enter the country.
In summer 1792, when the walls were nearly complete, Orthodox clergy 'uncovered the plot' and alerted Empress Catherine.
Orthodox clergy moved into his territories in huge numbers, and this rapid introduction of new customs provoked a revolt of the Old Bulgar aristocracy, which Boris put down with some savagery.
Orthodox and Presbyterian clergy do sometimes adopt other forms of head gear to ensign their shields.
Orthodox clergy entered Catholic churches and provided sermons giving praise to the Communist leaders for "uniting" the Christendom in Romania and that this would provide greater liberty and freedom.
In the 1920s many Russian emigres, particularly Orthodox clergy, settled in Serbia.
Thousands of victims (to a great extent Russian Orthodox clergy) lost there their lives.
Orthodox clergy in the Ottoman Empire then abandoned the spreading of such accusations.
The declared purpose of the Soviet delegation is to document property belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church and to review issues involving Soviet citizens in Israel, mostly Orthodox clergy.
The Black, or monastic, Orthodox clergy enjoyed a very high status in the Hetmanate, controlling 17% of the Hetmanate's land.