Value of individual stamps is listed in Polish currency.
In addition, the stability of the Polish currency is important to the ability to import scarce goods.
The Polish currency has held steady against the dollar since January, and the nation has earned a foreign trade surplus of $2 billion.
The collapse of the Polish currency leads to hardship amongst immigrants.
This apparently means arrangements enabling Poland to pay some of its debts in nonconvertible Polish currency.
Inflation and a stubbornly unreformed agricultural sector have pushed down the value of the Polish currency, further depressing consumer demand at home.
The bill provides up to $200 million to support the Polish currency, the zloty, whose exchange rate against the dollar sometimes fluctuates wildly.
He became an outward looking visionary, a man who would be responsible for creating the Bank of Poland and implementing the Polish currency.
Grabski's continual optimism became the sign of hope for stabilization of the Polish currency.
It stabilized the Polish currency, the zloty, and ended a currency black market that disrupted the economy.