I have so longed to meet you, Professor Higgins.
You see it was so very difficult for me with the example of Professor Higgins always before me.
I remember later he said (Professor Higgins again), you don't really stand a dog's chance anyhow.
The driver's air bag and the steering wheel to hold onto had left Professor Higgins in the best shape.
Professor Higgins was the first to hear it.
He grabbed Professor Higgins and threw him off the road.
One look at Professor Higgins's study will tell you that.
"It did surprise me that the folks coming right out of school would put money last, because they had all this debt," Professor Higgins said.
And this time, as Professor Higgins might say, "I think she's got it."
Besides, playing Professor Higgins to 100 bus drivers shouldn't be my job.