He sailed as far north as the Queen Charlotte Islands during this voyage.
It is absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands.
In late June, 1788, Duncan returned to the Queen Charlotte Islands, then proceeded south.
The golden mushrooms from the forests of the Queen Charlotte Islands were a pleasant reminder that fall was on its way.
Colony of the Queen Charlotte Islands - (1853 to 1863)
He named the Queen Charlotte Islands after his ship.
Birds from the Queen Charlotte Islands migrate short distances further south on the Pacific coast.
It has been recorded in the field samples of salmon returning to the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Juan Pérez was the first to sail to the far north, reaching the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1774.
This page is for the former mining town in the Queen Charlotte Islands.
He sailed as far north as the Queen Charlotte Islands during this voyage.
It is absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands.
In late June, 1788, Duncan returned to the Queen Charlotte Islands, then proceeded south.
The golden mushrooms from the forests of the Queen Charlotte Islands were a pleasant reminder that fall was on its way.
Colony of the Queen Charlotte Islands - (1853 to 1863)
He named the Queen Charlotte Islands after his ship.
Birds from the Queen Charlotte Islands migrate short distances further south on the Pacific coast.
It has been recorded in the field samples of salmon returning to the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Juan Pérez was the first to sail to the far north, reaching the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1774.
This page is for the former mining town in the Queen Charlotte Islands.