As matters stand, legislation the Republicans are now drafting to revamp the Medicare system - in the House version, at least - includes something called a "look-back sequester."
Republicans are drafting an alternative that would provide more money for the Pentagon, make deeper cuts in domestic programs and have a smaller tax increase.
In the end, it was the Democrats who moved the most, to accept a proposal much like the one the Republicans had originally drafted.
Republicans in Congress have drafted a conference report on immigration bills passed by the House and Senate that includes the court-stripping provision.
The legislation would then go the House floor and presumably to the Senate, where Republicans are drafting similar legislation.
The Republicans were drafting their Contract With America, which went beyond work programs to endorse absolute bans on cash aid to young mothers.
Republicans originally drafted the legislation to guarantee that doctors could sign private contracts with Medicare beneficiaries willing to pay more than the fees set by the Government.
Republicans have drafted amendments to scale back the legalization program and to designate English as the national language.
In the House, Republicans have drafted a bill that would save $53.9 billion over five years, about 50 percent more than the Senate measure.
Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee have drafted their own proposals to cut projected Medicare spending.