"In its relentlessly, unapologetically obsessive-compulsive author, Kaufman may have met his match," Rick Marin wrote here in 2001.
To the Editor: Rick Marin's April 19 report on diners tossed out of restaurants for staying too long warmed my heart.
He makes equally scathing fun of white people and black people," says Newsweek 's Rick Marin.
To the Editor: What's Rick Marin's problem?
Rick Marin of Newsweek described the episode as "simply one long potty joke".
One dissenter, Rick Marin, dismissed the book as "deliberately tedious."
To the Editor: According to Rick Marin's article "What's the Problem?
Thereafter, like Rick Marin, I saw it year after year on television.
The term isn't new: in The Times's Sunday Styles section a few years ago, Rick Marin wrote a column with that title.