The weekly paper, currently under the editorship of Howard Schwach, is well known to Rockaway residents for coverage of community events and local politics.
Its original settlers were Jamaica Bay fishermen, generally lawless and troublesome to other Rockaway residents.
I never thought it was fair that Rockaway residents had have to pay that toll, but at least we were going from Queens to Brooklyn.
So are Rockaway residents ready to get serious about these storms?
Meanwhile, Rockaway residents, irked by the peninsula's image as a crime-ridden urban outpost, were dismayed.
Far Rockaway residents are zoned to several different elementary schools:
About 40 Rockaway residents were said to have died, along with dozens more relatives living elsewhere.
Susan Hartenstein, 52, a lifelong Rockaway resident, described movie houses as part of the glue that makes a community socially whole.
So no midnight walks on the beach, Rockaway residents wondered?
Faced with resistance from Rockaway residents to the 306-acre development planned for Arverne, the board reduced the proposed 10,000 units to 7,500.